Sunday, August 4, 2013

2013 Season

This past year we got off to a pretty decent start. Things were growing at a pretty decent pace. All looked good.

July 3rd. A day that, to be honest we thought had ended the growing season for this year. What happened you ask? Well I'll tell you. Hail. And LOTS OF IT!

We saw the weather reports for strong weather to be heading our way. I didn't see the tale-tale signs of green in the clouds. I figured just heavy rain and some strong winds.

Then I saw a few pieces of hail flying into our backyard, golf-ball size to two inch diameter sized hail, not much, just a few pieces. Then the pea to marble size stuff came in and covered the ground. You would have thought it was winter with the white ground cover. The okra plants and purple hull peas looked like twigs sticking out of the ground. Most of the leaves of the zucchini plants were busted off, the cabbage plants, well were devastated.

When I find the pics, I'll post them.